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Therapeutic Research
Blood pressure levels in clinical office tend to be variable. Therefore 2 times measurements of blood pressure with interval of 1 –2 minutes have been advocated by guidelines (JSH 2014). Furthermore we have tried 5 times measurements with 1 minute interval for obtaining reliable blood pressure of upper arms in clinical office using oscillometric method (HEM 8723, Omron). In this study 193 outpatients(99 males, 94 females) aged 18 –90 were recruited. By first diastolic blood pressure levels 4 groups were divided: 60–69 mmHg (21males, 22 females), 70–79(27, 23), 80–89(22, 22), 90–99(21,17), who accepted any antihypertensive drugs in 36.8% of males and 33% of females. Outpatients without drug( 8 males, 10 females) were also examined, who showed 90 –99 mmHg of first diastolic blood pressure. From these 2 observations 5th measurement tended to show greater lowering of diastolic blood pressure levels as compared with 2nd –3rd ones, especially in females. Then the differences between home blood pressure(early morning) and office blood pressure levels of the same day were small in males but great in females, showing higher levels of female office blood pressures than male ones.
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