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Before implanting a new device, venography is recommended to confirm venous condition. Instead of contrast medium, we are using the guide wire as safe and useful tool. We compared 34 consecutive patients with an indication for a new pacemaker. Before implantation, half of the patients underwent venography as usua(l Contrast group). For the other half patients we inserted a guide wire from peripheral vein near elbow instead of venography(Wire group). The time from entering room to skin incision was significantly longer in the Wire group than in the Contrast group(p=0.01). On the other hand, the time from skin incision to lead insertion was significantly shorter in the wire group than in the contrast group(p=0.02). The guide wire shortened lead insertion time instead of contrast medium. Since the guide wire is constantly visible under fluoroscopy, we can confirm venous running during procedure. We can easily find cephalic vein because the vessel containing black color wire is distinguished from other vessels visually.
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