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Objective We examined the effect of consumption of catechins with a galloyl moiety onbody fat level and its safety in healthy women.Methods A randomized double−blind placebo−controlled study for 12 weeks wasconducted. The beverage(340 mL/bottle)contained 169.9 mg of tea catechins with a galloylmoiety. A total of 41 subjects with 23<BMI≦30 were divided into two groups. Each subjectin the test group was given 2 bottles of the test beverage/day and each subject in the placebogroup was given 2 bottles of a placebo beverage.Results The measurements of abdominal fat areas indicated significant reduction of visceralfat area in the catechin group compared with the placebo group at 12 weeks afterconsumption.Conclusions Our present observations suggest that consumption of catechins with a galloylmoiety may be useful for the prevention of obesity−related disorders in women.(Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2009;37:521−7)KEY WORDS Tea catechins, Catechins with a galloyl moiety, Obesity, Visceral fat area,Clinical trail
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