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健常成人における大麦β—グルカン1 g 含有クラッカーの食後血糖応答に及ぼす影響―無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照クロスオーバー比較試験―
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Objectives The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of barley crackers containing 1 gram of β︱glucan on postprandial glucose response. Methods The study was a randomized, double︱blind, placebo︱controlled, crossover study with twenty︱two healthy adults whose fasting blood glucose was normal level. Subjects consumed test meals of each of the two crackers with banana yogurt, containing the same amount (50g)of available carbohydrates at breakfast on separate occasions. Blood glucose and insulin were measured up to 120 min after the breakfast. Results Barley crackers containing 1 gram of β-glucan lowered the blood glucose incremental areas under the curve(IAUC)(0-60 min)compared with placebo crackers at breakfast(P<0.05). The blood insulin was not changed after ingestion of the test meals at breakfast. Conclusions These findings suggested that barley crackers containing 1 gram of β-glucan contributed to postprandial glucose response. The present study suggested that it has potential to an advantage for glucose metabolism in healthy adults.
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