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- Authors: 齋藤明子1, 傍島秀晃1, 目黒文江2, 福田祐介3, 稲吉美由紀4, 近藤直樹4, 平野隆司1, 米島 正1, 中村和美1, 鶴田優子1, 長門佳世子1, 平野陽子1, 石山 薫5, 辻本有希恵5, 小松原一雄6, 松下五十鈴6, 佐藤栄梨7, 麻生嶋和子7, 田島実弥7, 若狭健太郎7, 西村友美7, 武田和憲8, 江面正幸8, 松本純夫9, 武田純三9, 大島久二9, 是恒之宏10, 上松正朗10, 井口東郎11, 石井 浩11, 岡田 靖12, 大野真司13, 堀部敬三14
Considering the high cost required for monitoring including source document verification(SDV)to ensure the quality of industry‒sponsored clinical trials, it is important to establish a monitoring system for investigator‒initiated trials that can conduct efficient monitoring with limited resources. In April 2013, National Hospital Organization(NHO)Nagoya Medical Center was selected as a hospital of the project for clinical research core hospital and we developed a monitoring support system utilizing the NHO network. From the seven NHO hospitals, monitor candidates were selected according to the acquisition of an advanced CRC certification and a GCP passport of the Japan Society of Clinical Trials and Research. After the monitor candidates received initial and continuous training, they were assigned to GCP‒compliant clinical trials. The NHO monitoring system has supported one ICH‒GCP‒compliant international collaborative trial and eleven J‒GCP‒compliant trials. During this activities, we have developed a check sheet for skill management for monitor and project leader. Several IT systems were also developed to improve information sharing required for monitoring. Utilizing the NHO network, we have developed an effective monitoring support system.
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