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サジー果汁飲料の 4 週間摂取に伴う免疫機能改善効果―ランダム化プラセボ対照二重盲検並行群間比較試験―
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Background The fruit of sea buckthorn contains various nutrients and bioactive compounds. It has a long history used as a traditional medicine and the various effects to human health have been studied, such as anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant effects. However, its effects to the human immune functions have been still unclear. Methods In this study, we performed a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel -group comparative study to evaluate the improvement of the immune functions by taking sea buckthorn fruit beverage for 4 weeks. Thirty-seven healthy subjects were allocated into two groups; 18 subjects in the test group took 60 mL sea buckthorn fruit beverage in a day and 19 subjects in the placebo group took same amount of the placebo juice. The changes in the immune functions of these subjects were examined by the blood and saliva tests, and health conditions, including cold symptoms, were evaluated by multiple questionnaires. Results The blood test showed that the numbers of T helper cells increased statistically significantly only in the test group, and the activity of NK cells marginally increased after 4 weeks of the trial in the test group. The concentration of sIgA in saliva was also larger in test group than in the placebo group. Several questionnaires suggested that the intake of the sea buckthorn beverage reduced fatigue and shorted the duration of cold symptoms. Conclusion These results suggest that the regular intake of the sea buckthorn fruit beverage can enhance both innate and acquired immunities, and contribute greatly to our healthy life. (UMIN ID: UMIN000043112)(Jpn Pharmacol Ther 2022;50:1079‒94)
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