Therapeutic Research
Volume 30, Issue 2, 2009
Volumes & issues:
- 第32回埼玉不整脈ペーシング研究会
- 一般演題
Shock Pulse Widthの設定を固定値に変更することで除細動閾値が有意に改善された1例
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide Descriptionアミオダロン(AMD)の投与中に除細動閾値(DFT)が著しく上昇したが,除細動波形の調整によりDFTが著明に改善した症例を報告する。症例は心筋梗塞の既往のある50 歳,男性。労作中に動悸が出現し,その後失神したため入院した。冠動脈造影検査では有意狭窄病変を認めなかった。トレッドミル運動負荷検査で心室頻拍が誘発されたため,AMDの経口投与を開始し,植え込み型除細動器の挿入術を行った。このときのDFTは10J であった。AMD投与2 ヵ月後に再度DFT試験を施行。誘発された心室細動は10J および20J では停止せず,36J で停止。除細動波形の調整を行い(3.5ms/3.5ms),再度DFT試験を施行。DFTは551V( 14.7J)まで改善した。 - 特別講演
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide Description最近のゲノム医学的研究は,種々の難治性疾患について,その病因としての遺伝子変異を解明している。難治性不整脈についても,原因となるチャネル遺伝子異常が解明され,電気生理学的検討によるチャネル機能異常そして臨床病態の解明へと至っている。また,同一遺伝子の異常であっても,チャネル機能変化の性質や程度が異なり,ひいては臨床病態も異なることが判明している。したがって,個々の症例における遺伝子変異情報は治療戦略を立てる上で有用であるといえる。
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide Description目的・方法:高コレステロール血症を有する糖尿病患者 30 名をランダムに 2 群に分け,fluvastatin(F 群)30 mg あるいは rosuvasatin(R群)2.5 mg にて 3 ヵ月間治療を行い,その前後で血管内皮機能(flow−mediated vasodilation:FMD)の測定を行った。結果:F 群では,FMD は 3.85±1.43(%)より 5.61±2.48(%)と有意に改善した。R 群でも,3.63±1.76(%)より 4.97±2.70(%)と有意に改善した。一方 LDL コレステロール(LDLC)は,F 群で 152±62.9 より 120±43.9 と,R群で 153±29.4 より 91.9±18.8 と有意に改善した。尿中の isoprostane は R 群では変化が認められなかったが,F 群では有意に減少し,その変化量は FMD の変化量と有意な相関が認められた。結語:スタチンの LDL−C 低下作用と FMD改善作用は必ずしも一致しないと考えられた。 -
Characteristics of lipid−lowering effects of pitavastatin according to a survey in Japan
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide DescriptionObjectives:We examined the clinical characteristics of the efficacy of pitavastatin in connection with gender, age and low density lipoprotein(LDL)size.Patients and Methods:A total of 112 patients were analyzed:61 de novo patients with hyperlipidemia and 51 patients with insufficient treatment of hyperlipidemia with another statin. Pitavastatin was administered at 1−4 mg a day depending on serum lipid levels.Results:In the 61 de novo patients, pitavastatin decreased total cholesterol(TC)and low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL−C)by 29.7 and 42.3%, respectively, without any adverse effects(TC, from 250.5±37.0 to 174.8±26.6 mg/dL;LDL−C, from 155.4±39.8 to 87.4±23.3 mg/dL). The lipid−lowering effects were not different between men and women and were observed throughout all age groups. In patients with insufficient treatment of hyperlipidemia with another statin, replacement with pitavastatin significantly decreased serum lipid levels(TC, from 230.3±35.5 to 183.6±21.6 mg/dL;LDL−C, from 138.4±36.8 to 99.4±27.2 mg/dL). Pitavastatin significantly increased LDL particle size by approximately 1% in both de novo patients and patients with pitavastatin replacement.Conclusions:The present study revealed that pitavastatin has potent lipid−lowering effects without gender and age−group differences, and significantly increased LDL particle size. -
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide Description -
Economical estimates of oxygen uptake as a function of gait parameters for an ambulatory monitoring system
30巻2号(2009);View Description Hide DescriptionTo examine a method to save time and money with empirical equations representing the relationship between oxygen uptake(V・O2), walking speed(v), step frequency(SF),and step length(SL), we recorded the V ・O2 and SF of 7 young male volunteers walking at an increasing speed from 16.7 to 131.7 m min−1 with 5 m min−1 increments every 1 min,and at a decreasing speed from 106.7 m min−1 for 5 min to 16.7 m min−1 with 5 m min−1 decrements every 1 min on a level treadmill. SL was also computed by dividing walking speed by SF. The V・O2 during decremental−speed walking was significantly greater compared to that during incremental−speed walking at corresponding speeds. The SF and SL could be expressed as a function of speed by SF=13.18 and SL=0.076 , respectively, regardless of the different modes of walking with respect to speed. To estimate the V ・O2 during walking at different speeds, the results of the increments and decrements were combined by averaging them with respect to speed(V・O2=1.454×10−4v2−6.5×10−3v+0.663, r=0.999, n=7). In a mathematical model of the cardiorespiratory system, the average values of V・O2 at a given speed, even though there were on− and off−phase responses, could be predicted within 7.4% of the theoretical steady−state value. These results suggest that the V ・O2 against walking speed can be estimated by averaging the responses between the increments and decrements of moderate speeds. This could improve exercise tests for V・O2 estimates in terms of time and money. In addition, by using the closerelationship between SF and v, V・O2 can be also expressed as a function of SF. -