Therapeutic Research
Volume 43, Issue 8, 2022
Volumes & issues:
Roundtable:J–CLEAR 特別座談会
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide Description桑島 2021年11月に新型コロナに関するJ-CLEAR 特別座談会をCareNet.comで配信しました。その後,2022年1月頃にデルタ株からオミクロン株に置き換わり,感染者も増えています。今回のJ-CLEAR特別座談会では,現在の新型コロナ治療薬のエビデンスについて議論していき,そして話題になっていますイベルメクチンの有効性についても検証したいと思います。最初に私から現在の新型コロナ治療薬について紹介しまして,坪野吉孝先生に基調講演「新型コロナ治療薬の論文を読み解く」,植田真一郎先生には「治療薬のエビデンスとその信頼性と問題点」をご講演いただきます。山本晴子先生には「治療薬の現状と展望」として,コメントとご意見を伺いたいと思います。
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide Description2012 年に告示された「健康日本21(第二次)」の基本方針として,生活習慣病の発症ならびに重症化予防に重点を置いた対策を取ることで,健康寿命の延伸を実現する方向性が示されている。生活習慣病のうち高血圧や心不全などの循環器疾患と慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)が高い頻度で合併すること,および,これらの合併によって相互の発症・死亡リスクが上昇することが複数の疫学調査で報告されている。COPD合併がこういったリスク上昇をもたらす背景として,COPDの病態である全身性炎症,酸化ストレス,低酸素血症や動脈血二酸化炭素分圧(PaCO2)の上昇などの関与が考えられている。循環器疾患とCOPDの合併においては,特にCOPDの診断率が低いことが課題である。診断に必要なスパイロメトリーの利用が困難な場合は,COPD–PS質問票などの簡便なツールを活用し,「COPD診療ガイドライン2022」で示されている症例の特徴も参考にして,COPD患者を確実に把握することが必要である。COPDの診断後は患者の状態に合わせて吸入薬を基本とした治療を実施し,循環器疾患の合併患者においてはβ遮断薬の適切な使用も検討すべきである。また,早期から身体活動向上に向けた取り組みを行うことも重要である。今後の高齢化社会の進行に伴い,複数の慢性疾患を合併する患者が増加する状況を鑑み,日常診療では循環器疾患のみならずCOPDを確実に把握し治療することが重要である。 -
人生100年時代におけるCOPD 受診・診断・治療介入の重要性-健康寿命の延伸に向けて-
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide Description社会の高齢化が加速し,生物学的な寿命と健康寿命の乖離がみられる現状において,健康寿命の延伸を実現するためには,要介護の前段階であるフレイルを予防することが重要である。加齢に基礎疾患が加わることによってフレイルへ移行しやすくなることが知られているが,なかでもCOPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)はフレイルの合併リスクが高い疾患の一つである。COPDは,中・高年者に多く,主に長年の喫煙習慣により発症する生活習慣病である。COPD 患者においてはその主症状である労作時の息切れにより身体活動性が低下することから,フレイルへと移行しやすく,最終的には要介護や死亡のリスクが増大する。そのため,健康寿命の延伸に向けたフレイル予防の一環としてCOPD の適切な診断・管理が求められている。しかしながら,COPD の有病推定患者数と報告されている総患者数には大きな乖離があり,未受診または未診断で治療を受けていない患者が非常に多く潜んでいると推測されている。この一因として,一般市民によるCOPD の認知度が低いため多くの潜在患者が医療機関に未受診のままであり,さらに受診した場合においても診断されず適切な治療を受けていない例が多いことが考えられる。今後は自治体を中心とした社会全体の取組みとして,COPD の認知度向上を浸透させることはもとより,COPD 発症リスクが高い一般市民の行動変容を促す積極的な受診勧奨が継続的に実施されることやプライマリケア医による積極的な診断と適切な介入が実施されるよう,自治体と医療機関がこれまで以上に連携を強化することを期待したい。
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide DescriptionBackground and Objective:Olaparib is an oral molecular‒targeted drug that selectively inhibits poly(adenosine diphosphate‒ribose)polymerase(PARP), the chief enzyme involved in DNA single‒strand break repair. An all‒patient use‒results surveillance of olaparib was conducted to investigate its safety and efficacy in actual clinical use. Method:Patients who started olaparib during the registration period were registered in this all‒cases surveillance using a central registration method. With an observation period of 1 year, patient demographics, olaparib dosing status, adverse drug reactions(ADRs), and best overall response, among other outcomes, were recorded. Results:Patients with case report forms locked between April 18, 2018 and December 15, 2020 were analyzed. Among 838 patients[age 63.0 years, observation period 8.44 months, duration of exposure 7.47 months(all medians)]included in the safety population, ADRs occurred in 663 patients(79.1%), with the most common being anemia in 332 patients(39.6%), nausea in 286 patients(34.1%), and fatigue in 105 patients (12.5%). The most common serious ADRs were anemia in 107 patients(12.8%), nausea in 16 patients(1.9%), and platelet count decreased in 10 patients(1.2%). ADRs leading to discontinuation were anemia in 31 patients, nausea in 27 patients, fatigue in 17 patients, and vomiting in 12 patients. Interstitial lung disease, secondary malignancies and myelosuppression, which were listed in the safety specifications for olaparib, occurred in 12 patients(1.4%), 10 patients(1.2%)and 415 patients(49.5%), respectively. Among 133 patients with renal impairment, ADRs occurred in 113 patients (85.0%). The best overall response was evaluable in 628 patients in the efficacy population at the end of the 1‒year observation period, at which time the objective response rate was 36.0%(226 patients)and the disease control rate was 61.1%(384 patients). In the efficacy population(808 patients), the rate of disease progression at the end of the 1‒year observation period was 51.7%(418 patients). The data collected were limited due to the design of the clinical experience investigation;therefore, subgroup analyses of efficacy according to gene mutation or number of prior lines, for example, were not possible. Conclusion:No new safety signals that would affect the benefit‒risk balance of olaparib were found in this all‒patient use‒results surveillance. The efficacy of olaparib was consistent with prior clinical studies in patients with platinum‒sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer. -
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide DescriptionBackground:Early identification of prescribing errors is important for risk management when pharmacists promote the appropriate use of drugs in the intensive care unit. Objective:The purpose of this study was to identify problems in prescription design and drug administration and their solutions by itemizing the drug information provided. Method:The content of drug information provided by pharmacists to physicians and nurses was investigated based on question‒and‒answer records. Regarding the content of the drug information provided, it was classified into seven categories:dosage and efficacy, formulation change and stability, stock and adopted drugs, therapeutic drug monitoring:TDM, interactions, adverse reactions, and others. Results:The number of drug information to physicians regarding antimicrobial dosing design when continuous renal replacement therapy:CRRT or hemodialysis:HD is performed in patients with the reduced renal function was high on the records. Therefore, a book containing antimicrobial administration design indexes by dialysis and renal function was placed in the intensive care unit. The number of cases provided related to route selection at the start of injection was the most frequent in nurses. Accordingly, we posted the table of formulation changes that we developed based on the most frequently used medications in the intensive care unit. Conclusion:The active provision of information from pharmacists on the appropriate use of drugs is important in promoting risk management in intensive care unit.
43巻8号(2022);View Description Hide DescriptionObjectives: In April 2020, a clinical trial of a novel Covid–19 vaccine candidate developed by Sichuan University started in Japan. The aim of this paper is to present our experiences in launching the clinical trial as an academic research organization( ARO). Methods: Various issues occurred in launching the clinical trial. We retrospectively extracted the critical and rate–limiting issues, and summarized countermeasures taken for each issue and the results. Results: Four issues were extracted as follows; 1) language barrier, 2) regulatory requirements, 3) required standards for the study protocol and the investigator’s brochure, and export process for investigational products, and 4) business practices. The language barrier and the difference in business practices were resolved owing to cooperation with local partners who were fluent in Japanese through close and timely communication. China has been a position to participate in global drug–regulation since joining the ICH(The International Council for Harmonisation) in 2017. However, the consensus of interpretation and application of technical guidelines between Japan and China was not sufficient. Therefore, we first presented difference of requirements between Japan and China GxPs(Good x Practice) to PMDA, and subsequently explained the scientific validity of individual study data created in China based on the China GxPs in detail. Conclusions: We successfully contributed to the launching of the clinical trial of the Covid–19 vaccine candidate developed by a foreign academic institute. Accumulated knowledge and professional experience in medical and regulatory science, product manufacturing, and project management in our ARO may be a key factor for overcoming various hurdles in the global pharmaceutical development.